Barcelona and Mediterranean Sea. Photographed with a long lens after a heroic climb up the hill on the back side of Park Güell. I was left to my own devices on this glorious day, and decided to visit this stunning landmark. However... because I'm not so smart, I got off at the wrong bus stop. I walked (wandered?) through some neighborhood, mostly lost, until I saw a sign for Park Güell. Yay! But I either misinterpreted that sign or unwittingly "chose" to enter the park from completely the wrong direction. So... instead of walking in through the giant, can't-miss entrance gate a mile or two away, my poor decision-making required me to climb a (seemingly) long trail through the woods, fighting off lions and marmots and such, all while wondering where the hell I was going. When I finally reached the top of this hill, I saw a little sign for the park. Huzzah! (I don't remember for sure, but it might have said something like, "Entrance for idiots who got off at the wrong bus stop.") Happily, my (heroic) efforts were not wasted. See, I climbed the trail quickly (and, as noted, heroically), even while fending off those wildebeests and chipmunks. It was still early when I arrived at the top, and the park hadn't been open long. So for a while, I had the gardens, sculptures, etc. entirely to myself. In fact, I didn't see another person until I was almost halfway down to the main entrance (Ah! There it is!)—and the hordes of people who got off at the correct bus stop. (Note: Being a misanthrope, I'd trade comfort for quiet solitude any time.) As I started passing people on their way up the hill, I thought, "Hah-hah! Look at you, all of you... people climbing and sweating, with so many other people, loud and pushy. Hah-hah, you noisy throng! You screeching school groups! You bumptious Americans! I shall not remain among you. Instead, I’ll walk comfortably downhill in my stylish hat and sunglasses. I already have seen the lovely sights up there, where you're heading en masse with your ungainly fanny packs. Yes, I saw them all, and I enjoyed those wonders in peace. Hah-hah, you rackety white sock-wearers!" Yes, that's exactly how it happened. Hah-hah!